Friday, March 9, 2007

Day 34: Planning for The Day Away

Update: 234.6 lbs, 23.6 lbs so far, 14.4 left to reach goal.

Mini goal update: I'm now under 15 lbs left to go to reach my first goal of 38 pounds. Still within reach by my birthday, but I think that's going to be cutting it close...we'll see.

Yesterday we had a meeting out of town, with a client from California, and 3 other creative vendors. I knew from our previous meeting that they'd have gobs of goodies on the big conference table during the meeting, and that we'd the probably eat out for lunch, and I wouldn't be home until after my mid-afternoon snack, so I wanted to be prepared for the best...and not the worst. I thought back to my cub scout days, and how they always talk us to be prepared...yeah, or something like that....

Knowing I might totally miss a mid-morning snack, I loaded up on a big bowl of cheerios, so I could go for a bit. Fortunately, my business partner was also thinking ahead, and pulled out some 100-calorie granola bars on the drive in, right about the time I usually have my mid-morning snack, so that was perfect. And as predicted, monster pastries, and ginormous biscotti were laid out, but I was able to resist and save those calories.

At lunch, we went to a great little Italian restaurant, which of course is loaded with pasta and saucey dishes. I was tempted to just dive into one and play the victim-of-my-circumstances card, but they did have 4 low-carb options, which also happened to be low cal. So we skipped the bread, and I had grilled salmon and roasted vegetables...actually keeping lunch down pretty low for an unexpected restaurant.

On the way home I grabbed another 100 calorie snack and had some coffee, keeping the day to a pretty normal caloric pace, even though nothing else about the day was normal. I've found that even most 7-11's now have those 100 calorie Yoplait non-fat yogurts, which I've been enjoying as one of my snacks....and if you get them at Freddy's or a grocery store, they're usually just about 50 cents...can't beat that.

A little planning ahead, and keeping the focus on the long term goal allowed me to keep the day in check, and left plenty of calories for some bbq chicken mozarella tacos (Sweet Baby Ray's still RULES!) and a creamsicle dessert!


1 comment:

Jen said...

Lope on A Rope!!

I bought the scale, 1st weigh in for me starts on Monday. Jen