Sunday, April 15, 2007

Day 71: Crazy Sunday Post

Update: 222.4 lbs, 35.8 lbs so far, 2.4 left to reach goal.

Just a few minutes this morning before we have to run off to church. This weekend was GREAT -- really good times with the staff eating, playing guitar hero, sharing, laughing, throwing stuff at each other, discussing, eating, more guitar hero, and generally just enjoying time together. We had a great time Saturday being challenged, and the weather was good for spring time at the coast. No time to hit the beach, but still a great, super-fast trip over, in my books.

While I didn't go hog-wild, we did have tons of snacks and food for our trip. We mixed in some assorted good stuff like rice cakes and fruit, so there were good options - but pizza on Friday night, and some quacamole on Saturday (between breakfast and lunch) were a little tempting, so I did partake in both, which probably shot me up over my calorie count for each day. I thought about being a stickler on my calories this weekend, since I'd been going strong for 69 days, but then decided to just enjoy the time, without going crazy. Having been feeling like crapadoodie for the past two weeks, I figured it was ok to relax a bit, and not worry too much.

Back to the serious work today. Thank you to all the staff who were able to come this weekend. I appreciate all you do, and love to spend time with you guys!


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